SX Admin Actions Logging - Premium

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SX Admin Actions Logging - Premium

If you are a Magento store owner or manager this module will make your life easier and will reduce headaches. Now when something is broken on your Magento store, all what you need is to login to Admin panel and see what exactly was changed. You are able to track the difference between previous and current information/configuration. You may now easily restore previous information or configuration and fix all the issues. Now you are always aware who, when and changed what exactly. You may keep full control over your Magento administrators, be safe from unintended changes. You may easily track admin logins, configuration adjustments, product and category changes, CMS blocks, CMS widgets, CMS pages, sales, orders, shipments and invoices changes. With this module you maintain full control without disrupting your store's functionality or storefront UI. Simple installation and a user-friendly admin section make monitoring admin actions hassle-free. You always have enough information about each change in the admin area about who exactly, when exactly and what exactly was changed; and if that is not what was required - just with a few clicks you may restore the previous version of information or configuration.

This module is easy to install and it does not break any other functionalities, it does not conflict with any third party modules and it does not make any changes to UI on storefront. It only adds an additional section in admin where a site owner can read log entries.


  • Allow easily enable/disable the module from Magento Admin
  • Allow read log entries in admin
  • Log Admin logins/log outs
  • Log Stores → Configuration changes
  • Log Categories changes
  • Log Product changes
  • Log Content changes
  • Log Users changes
  • Log Order changes
  • Log Shipment changes
  • Log Invoices changes
  • Log Catalog Price Rules changes
  • Log Cart Price Rules changes
  • Log Url Rewrites changes
  • Log Design Configuration changes
  • Automatically cleans up entries older then one month


Stores → Configuration → SKYNIX → SX Admin Actions Logging (Enable or Disable the module)

Skynix → Admin Actions → List of Action

Skynix → Admin Actions → Data Differences Popup

Release Notes:
Compatible with Open Source (CE) : from 2.4.4 and above.

Now fully compatible with Magento 2.4.7-p1 and PHP 8.3.

Stability: Stable Build



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